Green form subsidised home ownership scheme

Application for Sale of Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme Flats 2022 to commence (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority:

The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) announced today (September 21) that eligible Green Form applicants who intend to purchase Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (GSH) flats under the Sale of Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme Flats 2022 (GSH 2022) may submit applications from September 29 to October 12. Applications submitted before or after the application period will not be accepted. The application fee for GSH 2022 is $250.

The following three developments will be put up for sale under GSH 2022, providing a total of 4 693 flats:

(1) 776 flats from Ching Tao Court in Fanling with saleable areas of about 25.7 square metres to about 41.5 sq m (about 277 square feet to about 447 sq ft);
(2) 2 021 flats from Ko Wang Court in Yau Tong with saleable areas of about 17.2 sq m to about 45.4 sq m (about 185 sq ft to about 489 sq ft); and
(3) 1 896 flats from Kam Pak Court in Ma On Shan with saleable areas of about 17.1 sq m to about 43.9 sq m (about 184 sq ft to about 473 sq ft).

Application forms, application guides and sales booklets of the three developments under GSH 2022 will be available on the designated website of the HA/Housing Department (HD) for GSH 2022 ( for public viewing or downloading, while printed copies can be obtained during opening hours from the GSH Sales Office of the HA on the first floor of Pioneer Place in Kwun Tong (GSH Sales Office), the HA Customer Service Centre (HACSC) in Lok Fu, estate offices and District Tenancy Management Offices (DTMOs) of the HA, rental estate offices of the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) and the Home Affairs Enquiry Centres of the Home Affairs Department starting from tomorrow (September 22). Members of the public are reminded to check the opening hours before visiting.

In accordance with the prevailing pricing mechanism, GSH flats will be sold at a discount of 10 per cent more than that determined for the preceding Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) sale exercise. Based on the finalised discount rate for Sale of HOS Flats 2022 (HOS 2022) at 49 per cent, the selling prices of the new flats for sale under GSH 2022 have been finalised at a 59 percent discount from the assessed market value, i.e. for sale at 41 per cent of assessed market value. Details of the finalised average selling prices and the range of selling prices for these developments are set out in Annex.

"Applicants are recommended to submit online applications (including e-applications, e-payments and e-notifications), although we will continue to accept paper submission either in person or by post," a spokesman for the HA said.

Each person can only be listed in one application form for this sale exercise (whether for paper-based or online application); otherwise, the applications will be regarded as duplicates. Any case of duplicate applications will render all applications null and void, and the application fee paid is non-refundable and non-transferrable under all circumstances. Details are set out in the application guides.

"For online applications from sitting tenants of public rental housing (PRH) estates of the HA or rental estates of the HKHS, their respective estate offices will contact them to verify their household information after receiving their online applications. The estate offices concerned will prepare hard copies of the application forms and the applicants and all family members aged 18 or above will have to sign and return the application forms to their respective estate offices for further processing," the spokesman said.

The closing time for receiving applications, whether online or paper-based, is 7pm on October 12. Applications submitted before or after the application period will not be accepted. Applicants who are tenants of PRH estates of the HA or rental estates of the HKHS are required to return their paper-based applications to their respective estate offices. Other applicants may submit their paper-based applications by post or by hand to the GSH Sales Office. The HOS Sales Office at the HACSC in Lok Fu will not accept the applications of GSH 2022.

Valid Green Form applicants of HOS 2022 who have indicated their consent to carry over their applications to the next Subsidised Sale Flats Scheme (SSFS) sale exercise of the HA will be included automatically in this sale exercise provided that they meet the eligibility criteria of this sale exercise. These applicants do not need to submit separate applications nor pay the application fee for GSH 2022. The HA has notified these applicants in writing that their HOS 2022 applications have been carried over to GSH 2022 as well as their application numbers under GSH 2022 before the application period commences. For online application, such notification has been sent to the applicants by email. If an applicant submits another GSH 2022 application, it will be regarded as a duplication of application. Making duplicate applications will render all applications null and void irrespective of the reasons for the duplication, and the application fee paid will not be refunded or transferred.

If an applicant wishes to apply in an application category different from that for HOS 2022 which may affect his or her priority for flat selection, he or she is required to inform the HA during the application period of GSH 2022. Moreover, for applicants who have successfully purchased a flat under HOS 2022, their carry-over applications for this sale exercise will be cancelled immediately.

"It is expected that balloting for GSH 2022 will be held in the fourth quarter this year, and eligible applicants will be invited to select flats starting from the first quarter of 2023 according to their priority order of the application category," the spokesman said.

Doll houses and virtual videos of typical flats, building models, exhibition panels and other information of the three GSH developments will be provided for public inspection at the GSH Sales Office from 8am to 7pm every day between September 22 and October 12. Related information will be uploaded to the above HA/HD designated website.

Sales brochures covering greater details of the developments and price lists will be available for public collection at the GSH Sales Office and for viewing on the above HA/HD designated website starting seven days before the commencement of the flat selection period.

"Members of the public are reminded to read carefully the Application Guide before submission of applications. They may call the 24-hour HA Sales Hotline at 2712 8000 on matters concerning application for GSH 2022," the spokesman said.